9 Ways to Sneak in a Pilates Workout at Your Desk

9 Ways to Sneak in a Pilates Workout at Your Desk

It's no secret that Pilates is one of the best exercises for improving posture, strengthening your core, and toning your body. 

But what if you can't make it to a class? 

Or what if you're too busy to leave your desk?

Don't worry – we've got you covered! Body Balance Lifestyle's Pilates Instructor, Shing Yiing Ong, will give you 9 ways to sneak in a Pilates workout at your desk in this post. 

You don't need any special equipment or clothing, and you can do most of these exercises without anyone even knowing.

Let's get started!

1-Do some neck rolls: 

  • Sit up tall in your chair with your shoulders relaxed.

  • Slowly roll your head from side to side, letting your chin drop towards your chest.

  • Do this for 30 seconds or longer.

2-Shrug your shoulders:

  • Again, sit up tall in your chair with your shoulders down and relaxed.

  • Slowly shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, then release them back down.

  • Repeat this several times.

3-Chest opener: 

  • Sit up tall in your chair and place your hands on the back of your head.

  • Elbows should be pointing out to the sides.

  • Gently pull your elbows back so that you feel a stretch in your chest.

  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then release.

4-Upper back stretch: 

  • Sit up tall in your chair and place your hands on the back of your head. Elbows should be pointing out to the sides.

  • Gently pull your elbows back so that you feel a stretch in your upper back.

  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then release.

5-Lower back stretch:

  1. Sit up tall in your chair and place your hands on your knees.

  2. Gently arch your back, pressing your stomach towards your thighs.

  3. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then release.

6-Side bends:

  • Sit up tall in your chair with your shoulders down and relaxed.

  • Slowly bend to one side, then return to the center.

  • Repeat on the other side.

7-Triceps stretch:

  • Sit up tall in your chair and reach one arm overhead, palm facing towards the back of your head.

  • Use your other hand to gently press down on the elbow, feeling a stretch in the triceps muscle.

  • Hold for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

8-Bicep curl: 

  1. Sit up tall in your chair with your shoulders down and relaxed.

  2. Holding a can of soup or a water bottle in each hand, slowly curl your arms up towards your shoulders.

  3. Pause for a moment at the top, then lower back down.

  4. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.

9-Seated Russian Twist: 

  • Sit up tall in your chair with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent.

  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your head, whichever is more comfortable.

  • Slowly twist your torso to one side, then back to the center.

  • Repeat on the other side.

  • Continue for 30-60 seconds total.

So there you have it – 9 ways to sneak in a Pilates workout at your desk! No matter how busy you are, there's always time for a quick workout. And who knows – you might even start to feel more energized and productive.

If you want to experience the benefits of Pilates but don't have the time to go to a physical studio, check out our virtual classes! We offer both group and private sessions to choose what's best for you.

Connect with Shing on Instagram for Reels and tips.

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