How to Achieve Your Fitness Goals for 2021

How to Achieve Your Fitness Goals for 2021

With the end of 2020 nearing, most of us are prepared to set our health and fitness goals for the New Year. You know the drill: some of these goals typically include losing weight, exercising more, getting a lean physique, giving up alcohol, and avoiding junk food.

Unfortunately, while setting these goals isn’t all that difficult, following them through just a few days after New Year seems fairly pointless.

We are here to help make 2021 the year that you finally hit your fitness goals!

Just by following these three simple steps, we are sure that you will get the body of your dreams.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Habits and Routine

The only way you can truly progress is to be honest with yourself. Before you start setting goals of where you want to go, you need to know where you’re at today. For this purpose, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What kind of foods do I overindulge in?

  2. How many times did I train last year? Did I train at all?

  3. Did I enjoy the type of exercise I did last year?

You can’t find a solution to something if you don’t know what the problem is in the first place. Closely analyze your habits and exercise routine to see if they fit your lifestyle. If they don’t, it might be time to mix up things and create new habits that serve your goals better.

Step 2: Set Your Fitness Goals and Build a Training Plan

It is imperative to set targets that can help you achieve your goals. While long-term goals are great, it is also important to set short-term goals. Humans tend to lose motivation due to the long period of time it takes for a full-body transformation. This is why it’s important to set short-term goals and remain motivated and committed to achieving your long-term goals.

Goals should be “S.M.A.R.T” – Specific, measurable, Attainable, realistic, and time. If you have never run before, setting a goal to run a marathon won’t be realistic. Instead, set a goal to run once a week, and slowly build up to twice a week.

Once you decide what you want and how you can achieve it, you can easily tailor a plan that suits your needs and helps achieve your 2021 fitness goals. Remember, the key is to make small changes on a daily or weekly basis.

Step 3: Action and Accountability

After getting your fitness plan in place, you will have to be consistent in following it. Create a diet plan and an exercise routine on a weekly basis and make sure that you follow it through. Assess your progress after every two weeks to see results or if you need to tweak your approach.

It isn’t always easy to motivate yourself or ensure that you follow through on your fitness goals. This is why you should seek help from a family member, trusted friend, or a personal trainer to help keep you motivated.

Remember,  consistency is the key that will help you achieve your 2021 fitness goals! 

I understand that it is easy to reach a plateau and people often give up and not knowing what to do next. It is frustrating! That’s why I created a community in my 90 Days “Strong, Sexy, and Fabulous” Group Intensive Program. Not only you will receive weekly check-ins from me but also a  group of ladies that will support you throughout your fitness journey! Click the image below to learn more.

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